Congratulations to Anatoly Martynyuk, Ph.D., and his lab for having their abstract accepted into the Best of Abstracts: Basic Science session at the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) 2022 Annual Meeting!
The scientific abstract titled “Intergenerational Effects of Surgery and Sevoflurane Anesthesia in Young Adult Rats with Traumatic Brain Injury” is one of twelve chosen out of the top 160 abstracts out of 655 submitted. The judges felt the abstract by Martynyuk’s team has outstanding scientific rigor and importance as well as broad appeal.
Martynyuk’s lab focuses on neurosciences in anesthesiology. The long-term goal is to develop translational strategies to study and mitigate long-term adverse effects of general anesthesia in humans.
Congratulations to the Martynyuk Lab!