Anesthesiology Residency & Fellowship Programs at the University of Florida
Residency Program
We believe an optimal educational program depends on a close faculty-resident relationship and a curriculum that provides a diverse clinical exposure and fosters a progression in resident responsibility and independence. The University of Florida anesthesiology residency curriculum has been carefully designed to meet these goals. We offer 20 categorical positions for residents to match into their PGY-1 year and 5 advanced positions for those matching to begin in their PGY-2 year.

Fellowship Programs
We offer sub-specialty training through 7 fellowships. Our ACGME-accredited programs include Critical Care Medicine, Multidisciplinary Pain Medicine, Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology, and Pediatric Anesthesiology. In addition, we offer 3 non-accredited programs: Acute Pain Medicine, Neuroanesthesiology, and Combined Cardiothoracic and Critical Care Medicine (ABA approved). We can also tailor individualized non-accredited fellowships for trainees with specific interests.

UF GME Program
Check out this video to meet some UF Graduate Medical Education faculty and current trainees, get a glimpse of our campus, and hear how proud we are of everyone who makes UF Health and the University of Florida College of Medicine a great place to learn and grow.
Medical Student Programs
Med Students
Clerkship Program
This four-week clerkship challenges medical students to take care of patients undergoing surgical procedures along with patients being cared for in the Intensive Care Units.Â

Med Students
Anesthesia Interest Group
The University of Florida College of Medicine Anesthesia Interest Group (AIG) was created to increase awareness and promote interest in the specialty of anesthesiology among students in the medical field.

Training, Observing & Volunteering
Our simulation center, the Center for Safety, Simulation & Advanced Learning Technologies (CSSALT), is endorsed to deliver Maintenance of Certification in Anesthesiology (MOCA) simulation sessions.

Pearls & Pitfalls
This program features a morning symposium and an afternoon hands-on workshop with a variety of devices.

Observing & Volunteering
The Department of Anesthesiology at the University of Florida seeks to provide an environment that teaches the joy of caring for patients in a health care setting.