Posts tagged as


ASAIO Journal honors Dr. Maybauer’s article as “Editor’s Pick”

Accolades are due to Marc Maybauer, M.D., Ph.D, professor of anesthesiology, who has co-authored an impressive 22 articles published in 2024. As a highlight, a recent review article by Dr. Maybauer and colleagues was honored by ASAIO Journal as an “Editor’s Pick” online, and he was highlighted in a…

Research shows link between faculty mentorship and NIH funding in anesthesiology

A new study co-authored by UF Department of Anesthesiology resident Wendy Guo, M.D., and faculty members Terrie Vasilopoulos, Ph.D., associate professor of anesthesiology & sports medicine, and Brenda Fahy, M.D., professor of anesthesiology, was recently published by the Journal of Clinical Anesthesia (online ahead of print). Their article, “…

July 2024 publications

Congratulations to everybody who was published in July! Published faculty were Doctors Boezaart, Fahy, Garvan, Giordano, Gravenstein, Howell, Martynyuk, Maybauer, Millan, Modave, Morey, Nin, Price, Rawal, Reina, Seubert, Soberon, Spiess, Tighe, Vasilopoulos, and Zhang. Anesthesia and Analgesia Howell K, Garvan C, Amini S, Kamyszek RW, Tighe P, Price CC, Spiess…

December 2023 publications

Congratulations to all those who had work published in December! Published faculty were Doctors Bose, Fahy, Ihnatsenka, Reynolds, Sibille, Le-Wendling, Maybauer, Vasilopoulos, and Wardhan. A&A Practice Nimma S, Gans A, Wardhan R, Allen W. Remimazolam sedation and neuraxial anesthesia in a patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis undergoing an open…

August 2023 publications

Congratulations to everyone who was published in August 2023! Published faculty were Doctors Austin, Boezaart, Dooley, Edwards, Enneking, Gonzalez, Gravenstein, Janelle, Maybauer, Nin, Price, Pitkin, Reina, Reynolds, Robicsek, Sullivan, and Wenzel. ASAIO Journal Brewer JM, Broman LM, Maybauer MO. A Plea for Adoption of the Common ECLS…

July 2023 publications

Congratulations to everyone who had publications in July of 2023! Published Department of Anesthesiology faculty were Doctors Boezaart, Dooley, Edwards, Euliano, Gonzalez, Ihnatsenka, Jimenez-Ruiz, Le-Wendling, Maybauer, Smith, and Reynolds. Anesthesia and Analgesia Jimenez-Ruiz F, Dooley FC, Gonzalez SN, Edwards CM. Imbalance in clinically meaningful variables. Anesth Analg. 2023;137(2):e13-e14. doi:10.1213/ANE.0000000000006559…

May 2023 publications

Congratulations to everyone who had publications in May of 2023! Published faculty were Doctors Doré, Fahy, Kumar, Lopez, Maybauer, Sappenfield, Schutte, Seubert, Spiess, Tighe, Vose, and Wardhan. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association O’Brien K, Feng R, Sieber F, Marcantonio ER, Tierney A, Magaziner J, Carson JL,…

Terrie Vasilopoulos, Ph.D., Named Statistical Editor for Journal of Clinical Anesthesia

Congratulations to Terrie Vasilopoulos, Ph.D., associate professor of anesthesiology and orthopaedic surgery & sports medicine, for being named a statistical editor for the Journal of Clinical Anesthesia (JCA)! In this role, Dr. Vasilopoulos will review submitted papers for statistical quality as well as organize, write and solicit editorials on statistical…

July 2022 Publications

Congratulations to everyone who had publications in July 2022! Our faculty who were published are: Drs. Loeb, Kumar, Spiess, Efron, Tighe, Reina, Boezaart, Urdaneta, Wardhan, Wells, J. White, Vasilopoulos, Frantz, Fahy, and Le-Wendling. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandanavica Paterson E, Sanderson PM, Loeb RG, Paterson NAB. Improving…

June 2022 publications

Congratulations to everyone who had publications in June 2022! Our faculty who were published are: Drs. Brennan, Caruso, Cruz Beltran, Doré, Fahy, Garvan, Goettel, Gravenstein, Howell, Janelle, Loeb, Martin, Martynyuk, McGough, Morey, Peng, Pitkin, Przkora, Sappenfield, Sullivan, Tighe, Wardhan, Jeffrey White, Peggy White, and Vasilopoulos! American Journal of Infection…

April 2022 Publications

Congratulations to everyone who had publications in April 2022! Our faculty who were published are Drs. Fahy, Garvan, Goettel, Loeb, Mohamed, Price, Seubert, and Vasilopoulos! BMC Research Notes Safavi-Naini SAA, Farsi Y, Alali WQ, Solhpour A, Pourhoseingholi MA. Excess all-cause mortality and COVID-19 reported fatality in Iran (April…

February 2022 Publications

Congratulations to everyone who had publications in February 2022! Our faculty who were published are: Drs. Boezaart, Cometa, Doré, Fahy, Meroney, Nin, Przkora, Reina, Reynolds, Soberon, Vasilopoulos, and Victor! Anesthesiology Cometa MA. Cervical injury after videolaryngoscopy in patient with ankylosing spondylitis: comment. Anesthesiology. 2022 Mar 1;136(3):517. doi: 10.1097/ALN.0000000000004106.

January 2022 publications

Congratulations to everyone who had publications in January 2022! Our faculty who were published are: Drs. Doré, Frantz, Garvan, Jones, Kumar, Price, Reynolds, and Smith! A&A Practice Skinner C, Kumar S. Ultrasound-guided occipital nerve blocks to reduce tinnitus-associated otalgia: a case series. A A Pract. 2022 Jan 5;16(1):e01552.

November 2021 publications

Congratulations to everyone who had publications in November 2021!  Our faculty who were published are: Drs. Andoniadis, Bose, Doré, Fahy, Giordano, Gravenstein, Price, Tighe, Wardhan, and Zhu! American Journal of Preventive Medicine Chen C, Lo-Ciganic WH, Winterstein AG, Tighe P, Wei YJ. Concurrent use of prescription opioids and gabapentinoids in older adults.

October 2021 Publications

Congratulations to everyone who had publications in October 2021! Our faculty who were published are: Drs. Brennan, Keidan, Kumar, Giordano, Gravenstein, McGough, Meroney, Mohamed, Reynolds, Sappenfield, Seubert, Tighe, Vasilopoulos, and Wendling. Cureus Keidan I, Arzillo S, Vasilopoulos T, Ben-Menachem E, Gravenstein N, McGough E. Carbon dioxide elimination after sodium…

September 2021 Publications

Congratulations to everyone who had publications in September 2021! Our faculty who were published are: Drs. Brennan, Doré, Efron, Enneking, Garvan, Chris Goldstein, Heidi Goldstein, Kumar, Mehta, Mohamed, Price, Seubert, Sullivan, Schutte, Reina, Robicsek, Tighe, Urdaneta, Vasilopoulos, and Wardhan. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Casey JD,…

August 2021 Publications

Congratulations to everyone who had publications in August 2021! Our faculty who were published are: Drs. Cruz-Beltran, Doré, Fahy, Garvan, Gravenstein, Keidan, Lampotang, Meroney, Mohamed, Morey, Price, Przkora, Rabai, Reynolds, Sappenfield, Seubert, Spiess, Vasilopoulos, Victor, and White. Cureus Sappenfield JW, White JD, Pelletier JPR, Loftus TJ, Mukhtar…

June 2021 Publications

Congratulations to everyone who had publications in June! Our faculty who were published are: Drs. Boezaart, Caruso, Chemobrovich, Fahy, Frantz, Garvan, Giordano, Janelle, Martynyuk, Mora, Morey, Parsons, Reina, Reynolds, Smith, Spiess, Sullivan, Zasimovich, and Zhu. Anesthesia & Analgesia Warner DO, Lien CA, Wang T, Zhou Y, Isaak RS, Peterson-Layne C,…

May 2021 Publications

Congratulations to everyone who had publications in May! Our faculty who were published are: Drs. Frantz, Garvan, Gatica, Giordano, Lampotang, Loeb, Peng, Spiess, Vasilopoulos, Wardhan, and Zhu! BJU International Zhang Z, Lampotang S, Yu Y, Acar YA, Wakim J, Mei V, Ahmad AE, Shenot P, Lee J, Perlis N,…

April 2021 Publications

Congratulations to all who had articles published in April! Alzheimer’s Research &Therapy Wei YJ, Schmidt S, Chen C, Fillingim RB, Reid MC, DeKosky S, Solberg L, Pahor M, Brumback B, Winterstein AG. Quality of opioid prescribing in older adults with or without Alzheimer disease and related dementia. Alzheimers…

March 2021 Publications

Congratulations to all who had articles published in March! Anesthesia & Analgesia Foley LJ, Urdaneta F, Berkow L, Aziz MF, Baker PA, Jagannathan N, Rosenblatt W, Straker TM, Wong DT, Hagberg CA. Difficult airway management in adult COVID-19 patients: statement by the Society of Airway Management. Anesth Analg.

February 2021 Publications

Congratulations to all who had articles published in February! Anesthesia & Analgesia Baharloo R, Principe JC, Fillingim RB, Wallace MR, Zou B, Crispen PL, Parvataneni HK, Prieto HA, Machuca TN, Mi X, Hughes SJ, Murad GJA, Rashidi P, Tighe PJ. Slow dynamics of acute postoperative pain intensity time…