Donn M Dennis, MD, FAHA
Emeritus Professor Of Anesthesiology
About Donn M Dennis
Donn Dennis, MD, serves as The Joachim S. Gravenstein, MD, Endowed Professor of Anesthesiology at the University of Florida, College of Medicine. He is the Director of Nanomedicine and Co-Director for the State of Florida Center of Excellence in Nano-Bio Sensing, as well as Chief Science Officer and Vice President of Scientific Affairs, Xhale, Inc.
Dr. Dennis received his MD from the University of Michigan. He completed his internship in the Translational Program at William Beaumont Hospital and his residency and American Heart Association Fellowship in Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Electrophysiology at the University of Florida.
As an innovator, Dr. Dennis has a long history of honors and awards. In 2012, Dr. Dennis received the distinction of Charter Fellow for the National Academy of Inventors. He is the co-inventor of intellectual property, HyGreen™, which received numerous awards, including the New Product Innovation Award in Infection Control by Frost and Sullivan and the 2010 Medical Design Excellence Award. HyGreen™ was featured in Popular Science, Best of What’s New in 2009: Top Tech Awards, and the 100 Best Innovations of the Year.
Dr. Dennis has held committee positions with innumerable societies, such as the Committee on Research and the Committee on Scientific Papers for the American Society of Anesthesiologists. He was also the Chairman of their Sub-Committee on Experimental Circulation in 1995. Dr. Dennis is currently on the Board of Directors for the I. Heermann Anesthesia Foundation, and on the Science Advisory Board for the University of Florida’s Institute for Nanotechnology. He has also been a consultant to 11 pharmaceutical and venture capital companies.
Contact Details
- Business:
- (352) 273-6786
- Business:
- ddennis@anest.ufl.edu
- Business Mailing:
PO Box 100254
GAINESVILLE FL 32610 - Business Street: