Step 8 (2 hours): Reading:
Fragou, Mariantina, et al. “Real-time ultrasound-guided subclavian vein cannulation versusthe landmark method in critical care patients: A prospectiverandomized study*.” Critical care medicine 39.7 (2011): 1607-1612.
Sachdeva, Ashutosh, Ray Wesley Shepherd, and Hans J. Lee. “Thoracentesis and ThoracicUltrasound: State of the Art in 2013.” Clinics in chest medicine 34.1 (2013): 1-9.
Before moving onto the next section, please complete the following:
1. (From Fragou Article): The rate of mechanical complications and the number of attempts were significantly less in the ____ group compared with the ____ group. (answer: ultrasound, landmark)
2. (From Sachdeva Article: Ultrasound for thoracentesis and identifying pleural effusions can be used ______, intraprocedure, and postprocedure. (answer: preprocedure)