Abdomen Trauma Step 1 Step 1 (1 hour): Pretest You must take the pretests, your score will not matter, but you will not move on to next part until you complete the pre-test material (5 questions per section) FAST 1. Which of the following is not evaluated during a typical FAST exam?* Splenorenal space Hepatorenal space Pericardial space Aorta 2. In a patient with splenic rupture, after blood accumulates in the splenorenal space, where does it move to next?* Hepatorenal space Left paracolic gutter Right paracolic gutter It does not accumulate in other locations 3. When identifying fluid, what is the most important structure to identify?* Fluid volume Fluid echogenicity Diaphragm Kidney 4. What structure must you identify on cardiac evaluation to distinguish between pericardial fluid and left pleural fluid?* Pleural line Pericardium Descending aorta Lung line 5. Which location is most difficult to detect fluid on FAST exam? Hepatorenal Retroperitoneal Pericardia Splenorenal