Congratulations to anesthesiology intern Blessing Ogbemudia, M.D., who has been honored with the LEAD Resident Award presented by UF Health Shands Hospital nursing staff for his outstanding performance in promoting high-quality patient care.

The award recognizes a resident who has gone above and beyond professionally and in their patient care duties. Recipients are selected for demonstrating advocacy for patient safety and quality, exemplifying caring and compassion, promoting a strong physician/patient relationship, communicating with clarity and respect, and collaborating with nurses in the delivery of patient care.
Ogbemudia received the award for December 2020 and was presented with the certificate during a ceremony at the Friday morning M&M conference on May 7.
He was nominated for the award by Letitia Williams, M.S.N., R.N., R.N.-B.C., whose mother was recently hospitalized at UF Health. Ogbemudia cared for her while he was rotating through the endocrinology service.
During the week that she was hospitalized, she was highly anxious and confused. Ogbemudia took the time to empathetically communicate with her and explain her care in a way that she understood, while listening to her concerns, understanding her anxiety, and ensuring all members of the care team were on the same page. Even as a consulting service to her care team, he made sure that a cohesive plan was in place for her discharge and that she understood the plan well.
“You truly showed your commitment to putting the patient first and making sure they understand what they need to know to take care of themselves,” Williams said. “Thank you so much for caring for my mom. I’m very appreciative and she’s doing very well now.”
The LEAD award was created about a year ago and provides opportunities for residents to nominate nurses and for nurses to nominate residents. The housestaff council votes on the recipient.
LEAD stands for Listens to and values each other’s input; Empathizes to understand and put our patients first; Achieves our goals together; and Dedicates oneself to make quality care and attentive service our priority.
Congratulations, Dr. Ogbemudia!