Britney Vidal Receives 2019 Rebecca Lovely Outstanding Service Award

Congratulations to Britney Vidal for being selected by the Leadership Team as the winner of the 2019 Rebecca Lovely Outstanding Service Award!

Scott Sumner and Britney Vidal with the Outstanding Service Award trophy

All of the nominees are incredibly worthy and consistently excel in their positions. They demonstrate integrity and a strong commitment to the mission and values of the Department of Anesthesiology and the University of Florida. Thank you for all that you do.

Scott Sumner and the 2019 Outstanding Service Award nominees
Scott Sumner pictured with the 2019 nominees: Dave Lizdas, Joyce Myers, Britney Vidal, Scott Sumner, Katye Avery, Deb Kahakua, Antoinette Noel, Brandan Peckham, Karen Horowitz, Vera Barnes, Colleen Kearney (not pictured: Jon Alexander, Marilyn Blackwell, Amy Gunnett, Christie McLaughlin, and Julie Veal)