Patient blood management (PBM) is a patient-centered, systematic, evidence-based approach to improve patient outcomes by managing and preserving a patient’s own blood, while promoting patient safety and empowerment.
PBM starts with diagnosis, followed by the consideration of appropriate patient-specific therapeutic options for management of that patient’s diagnosis, with patient engagement, shared decision-making, informed consent, and clinical follow-up. This overall approach is most likely to improve patient satisfaction and clinical outcome.
Across the globe, an estimated 2.4 billion people (predominantly women) are anemic, and half of them have iron deficiency anemia (IDA). Those suffering from iron deficiency without anemia could be at least double those with IDA. Many of these patients are probably not “in need of a transfusion” but they are definitely in need of PBM.

PBM Research
Anemia Pre-Op Anesthesia Clinic
- To identify and optimize patients with anemia prior to planned surgery
- To develop clear guidelines for the management of anemia prior to elective surgery
- To reduce blood use in adult elective surgery
Quality Projects
- Project Title: Patient Blood Management in Craniosynostosis Surgery at UF Health
- Project Title: Clinical Efficacy and Coagulation Product Utilization: Evaluating the Hemosonics Quantra and TEG Guidance in Cardiovascular Surgery Patients at UF Health
- Project Title: “Review and Evaluation of Implementation of Urgent Transfusion Protocol for Emergent Treatment of Hemorrhagic Shock”
- Interventions to prevent iatrogenic anemia in ICU patients
- Maintains FDA IND Protocol for Expanded Access Use of HBOC-201 for Life Threatening Anemia
- Hemoclear ™ Millipore Filtration of Chest Tube Drainage in Cardiac Surgery: A Benchtop Proof of Concept to Cleanse Captured Postoperative Chest Tube Drainage
Referral Center
UF Health has gained recognition as a center for Bloodless Surgical Care due to its growing list of clinical champions.
UF Health is one of a small number of institutions in the United States that has access to Hemopure, an artificial blood substitute made from cow blood. Hemopure is a hemoglobin-based oxygen carrier that acts as a bridge while the body regenerates its own blood. The drug provides options for people with life-threatening anemia who have no other alternatives (e.g., patients who have been transfused so many times that their body produces antibodies that attack any new blood) or who decline transfusions for religious reasons. Hemopure is available only under investigational status through the FDA expanded access program to qualifying patients in specific circumstances. Patients must be referred by a physician to UF Health.