Call Out Procedures

Before 6 AM

For a regular day call out, email the following to notify them you are unable to work:

Note: this must be done before 6 AM to find appropriate coverage.

Late Stay

It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find someone to cover your shift by 12 PM with the same or higher level of training.

If unable to find coverage, staffing will find someone but you may be required to make up the shift with an additional late stay or call shift.

At the VA

When calling out at the VA, notify the following:


Email the following to notify them you are unable to work:

Note: this must be done before 6 AM to find appropriate coverage.

In the ICU

Call the unit-specific CCM phone number ASAP, then email:

Please follow the guidelines in the “Welcome” email from the ICU rotation.


  • 4W: 352-246-8289
  • 4E: 352-494-8460
  • 77: 352-519-9266
  • 87: 352-519-9757
  • 46: 352-246-1177