Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting – PONV
Risk Factors
- Patient Factors
- Female gender
- History of PONV or motion sickness
- Non-smoking status
- Younger age
- Anesthetic factors
- Volatile anesthetics
- Longer duration of anesthesia
- Perioperative opioid use
- Nitrous oxide use
- Surgical factors
- Abdominal procedures
- Gynecological/breast surgery
- ENT surgery
- Strabismus surgery
- Urologic surgery
Strategies to Reduce Baseline Risk
- Avoidance of general anesthesia by the use of regional anesthesia
- Use of propofol for induction and maintenance of anesthesia
- Avoidance of nitrous oxide
- Avoidance of volatile anesthetics
- Minimization of intraoperative and postoperative opioids
- Adequate hydration

Source: Consensus guidelines for the management of postoperative nausea and vomiting
Respiratory and Airway Problems
Common Causes of Respiratory Insufficiency in the PACU
- Residual anesthesia
- Residual muscle relaxant
- Postop opioids
- Splinting 2o to pain
- Tight abdominal binder
- Obstructive sleep apnea/obesity
- Premature infants/neonates
Upper Airway Obstruction
- Airway edema
- Trauma
- Vocal cord paralysis
- Arytenoid dislocation
- Secretions
- Foreign body
- Laryngospasm
- Anxiety/Munchausen’s stridor
- Atelectasis
- Asthma/COPD exacerbation
- CHF/fluid overload
- Pulmonary embolism
- Aspiration
- Pneumo/hemothorax pleural effusion
- Diaphragmatic injury/paralysis
- Pneumonia
Respiratory Insufficiency: Diagnosis & Management
- Assess Airway, Breathing, Circulation
- ↑ delivered FiO2, ↑ flow rate and consider non-rebreather or shovel mask
- Consider jaw thrust/chin lift, placement of oral/nasal airway
- Consider positive-pressure ventilation with bag-valve mask
- Consider intubation vs. noninvasive ventilation (CPAP/BiPAP)
- Review patient history, OR and postop course, fluid status, and medications administered
- Consider ABG, chest X-ray (rule out pneumothorax/pulmonary edema)
Treatment of Hypoventilation

Source: D. Keith Rose, Marsha M. Cohen, Dan F. Wigglesworth, Don P. DeBoer; Critical Respiratory Events in the Postanesthesia Care Unit: Patient, Surgical, and Anesthetic Factors. Anesthesiology 1994; 81:410–418
Common Causes of Hypertension in the PACU
- Pain
- Anxiety
- Respiratory insufficiency (hypoxia, hypercarbia)
- Hyperthermia/shivering
- ↑ sympathetic activity
- ↑ ICP
- Essential hypertension/missed medications
- Fluid overload
- Endocrine disease (thyroid storm, pheochromocytoma)
- Error in measurement (inappropriate cuff size, machine malfunction)
- Treat underlying cause, resume home antihypertensives
- For initial treatment, consider:
- Labetalol 5-40 mg IV bolus q 10 minutes
- Hydralazine 2.5-20 mg IV bolus q 10-20 minutes
- Lopressor 2.5-10 mg IV bolus
Delayed Awakening
Causes of Delayed Awakening in PACU
Anesthesia related
- Residual anesthetic
- Residual muscle relaxant, pseudocholinesterase deficiency
- Excessive narcotics
- Hypothermia
- Hypoxemia
- Hypercarbia/hyponatremia/hypocalcemia/hypoglycemia
- Renal/hepatic failure
Intracranial event
- Stroke/cerebrovascular incident (CVA)
- Seizure
- Intracranial hypertension
- Perform complete neuro assessment (cranial, motor, & sensory nerves)
- Review anesthetic record for drugs/doses
- Check for residual muscle relaxant with train-of-four/tetany
- Send ABG, serum sodium/calcium/glucose levels, check pt temp
- Consider application of bispectral index/EEG
- Low bispectral index may be suggestive of residual anesthetic
- EEG can assess for seizure activity
- Consider neurologic imaging to assess for stroke (noncontrast CT/MRI brain)
- Consider pseudocholinesterase deficiency (family hx, pseudocholinesterase level, dibucaine number)
- Consider narcotic reversal if slow respiratory rate + pin point pupils
- administer naloxone (0.04 mg IV q2min up to 0.2mg IV)
- Consider benzo reversal with flumazenil (0.2 mg IV q2min up to 1 mg IV)
- Reverse muscle relaxants, correct electrolyte abnl, rewarm pt as indicated
Other Specific Conditions
Tachycardia, hypotension, low CVP/PCWP, respiratory variation in arterial waveform, IVC collapse/underfilled LV on echo
Fluid resuscitation, assess for causes (ongoing bleeding, diuresis, high NG outout)
Tachycardia, anemia, hypovolemia, sanguineous drain output
Fluid resuscitation, blood transfusion, correct coagulopathy & thrombocytopenia, treat hyperthermia, consider return to OR
Fever, leukocytosis, tachycardia, hypovolemia, lactic acidosis
Fluid resuscitation, obtain blood/specific cultures, initiate broad-spectrum antibiotics
Myocardial Infarction/Ischemia
12-lead ECG, TTE/TEE, cardiac enzymes, cardiology consult
Cautious fluid resuscitation, aspirin, discuss with cardiologist & surgeon role of heparinization/cardiac cath/antiplatelet agents; consider inotropic/vasopressor/IABP support; may initiate diuresis/beta-blockade once BP stabilized
12-lead ECG, cardiac enzymes, check electrolytes, ABG
Treat the cause, follow ACLS protocol
- Tachyarrhythmia: Electrical/chemical cardioversion, correct electrolytes, cardiology consultation, maintenance antiarrhythmics
- Bradyarrhythmia: Atropine/epinephrine/dopamine, transcutaneous transvenous pacing, cardiology consult
Stop the drug, administer antagonist agent (e.g., naloxone for morphine)
Pulmonary Embolism
- ECG – sinus tach/S1Q3T3; ultrasound of lower ext; D-dimer not helpful
- TTE/TEE – rule out central pulm embolism/assess RV dysfx
- V/Q scan/CT chest pulm angiogram when stable
- Cautious fluid resuscitation, invasive monitoring, inotropes/pressors
- Consider thromboembolectomy/catheter-directed thrombolysis/anticoagulation/IVC filter placement
Congestive Heart Failure
- Bibasilar crackles, frothy sputum on examination
- Chest x-ray – cephalization of blood vessels, pulmonary edema, ↑ cardiac shadow
- Invasive hemodynamic monitoring shows low cardiac output, ↑ filling pressures
Supplemental O2, diuresis, digoxin/inotropic support
- Tachycardia, vasodilatory shock (low SVR, high cardiac output)
- Check serum tryptase & eosinophil count, consult allergy
Remove causative agent, fluid resuscitation, diphenhydramine, steroids, epinephrine
Chest x-ray may reveal foreign body, infiltrates, atelectasis or collapse
- Supportive care for small aspirations (no respiratory compromise)
- Large aspirations: Rapid sequence intubation, gastric decompression, mechanical ventilation with high PEEP, bronchoscopy to remove large foreign bodies; prophylactic antibiotics & steroids are ineffective; bronchoalveolar lavage & routine suctioning should not be performed
- Prevent recurrence: Elevate head of bed, avoid sedation, place NG tube
Upper Airway Obstruction/Stridor
Airway edema/trauma, vocal cord paralysis, arytenoid dislocation, secretions, foreign body
- Racemic epinephrine, dexamethasone, humidifies air, heliox
- Treat secretions with suctioning & admin of glycopyrrolate (0.2 mg IV)
- Severe edema/trauma may necessitate reintubation
- Obtain ENT consult for vocal cord paralysis/arytenoid dislocation/removal of foreign body
Pneumothorax/Hemothorax/Pleural Effusion
Chest x-ray diagnostic most of the time
- Needle decompression of chest (2nd intercostal space in midclavicular line), chest tube decompression (also see Chapter 11, Anesthesia Procedures)
- Exploratory thoracotomy for large hemothorax/ongoing bleeding
PACU Discharge Criteria
Phase 1: Starts with pt entering PACU from OR till criteria are met for transfer to phase 2 in PACU/hospital room/ICU (Note: patients are not discharged home from phase 1)
Phase 2: Starts with completion of phase 1, ends with patient discharge to home

Common Discharge Issues (Anesthesiology 2002;96:742–752)
- Passing of urine is not a mandatory requirement
- Ability to drink and retain fluids is not mandatory
- There is no minimum PACU stay period
- Escort is needed if patient received any sedation