Step 5 (2 hours): Watch the following Didactic Lecture and Bedside Videos listed below
Didactic Lectures:
Rohit Patel, MD: Pleural Effusion
Follow along with the PDF here!
Rohit Patel, MD: Procedural Guidance Miscellaneous
Follow along with the PDF here!
Bedside Videos:
Pericardiocentesis: Pericardiocentesis – Kevin Ergle, Medicine
Thoracentesis: Thoracentesis – Colin Swenson, Medicine ICU
UF Local Material:
Thoracentesis Supporting Literature (with figures)
Ultrasound First, Second, and Last for Vascular Access
A comparison of longitudinal and transverse approaches to ultrasound-guidedaxillary vein cannulation
Thoracentesis and ThoracicUltrasound: State of the Art in 2013