Procedural Guidance Step 4

Step 4 (1 hour): Active Learning:

If you are part of a UF Health training program (advanced practice provider, resident, fellow, or faculty), go to your intensive care unit or emergency department setting and obtain 3 views of a radial artery. Be sure to note the location, pulsatility.

If you are a student and do not have access to a machine, please place “student” in name of unit, and appropriate date.

In order to move onto next section, please complete the following:

1. Name of Unit images obtained (ED, 4WEST, MICU, etc) and Date (no identifying information necessary)

2. Name of Unit images obtained (ED, 4WEST, MICU, etc) and Date (no identifying information necessary)

3. Name of Unit images obtained (ED, 4WEST, MICU, etc) and Date (no identifying information necessary)


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