Lung Step 5

Step 5 (1 hour): Review the Sample Video Clip (Part 1)

Review Lung1-Lung9

Lung 1:
This view depicts B lines.


Lung 2:
This is a view of the right lung that depicts no lung sliding.


Lung 3:
This view depicts lung sliding and A lines, which are normal findings in the lung.

Lung 4:

This view depicts air bronchograms of the right apex.

Lung 5:
This view depicts lung sliding and a good view of a lines, which are a normal finding in lung tissue.



Lung 6:
This is a view of the right lung that depicts a-lines which are a normal finding in lung.



Lung 7:
This is an image of the lung that depicts air bronchograms, which can be indicative of many pulmonary processes. This should be correlated clinically.

Lung 8:
This image of the left lung that depicts A line with sliding B lines.

Lung 9:
This is an image of the right lung which depicts B lines.



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