Lung Step 2 Step 2 (1 hour): Take the Self Learning Pre-Tests No minimum scores to move on to next section General Lung 1. What zones of the chest wall are evaluated when performing a complete lung ultrasound?* A. Anterior B. Lateral or Axillary C. Posterior D. All of the above 2. What probe must you use to evaluate the lung?* A. High frequency linear array B. Low frequency phased array C. A and B are ok, depending on what part of lung you are interested in 3. Which zone is best to evaluate in search for pleural fluid or consolidation?* A. Anterior wall B. Lateral or Axillary C. Posterior 4. Horizontal lines visualized due to the pleural line artifact (equidistant from the chest wall to the pleural line and then after the pleural line) are called: A. H lines B. B lines C. A lines D. Lung lines 5. The largest organ surface area of your body that ultrasound can evaluate is:* A. Liver B. Lung C. Heart D. GI tract