Lung Step 10

Step 10 (1 hour): Review the Sample Video Clip (Part 2)

Review Lung 10 to Lung 17

Lung 10:
This image depicts sliding B lines.



Lung 11:
This image depicts curtain sign. Curtain sign occurs when aerated lung moves over an effusion with respiration.


Lung 12:
This image depicts curtain sign. Curtain sign occurs when aerated lung moves over an effusion with respiration.



Lung 13:
This image depicts the right lung with B lines in a patient with ARDS.



Lung 14:
This video depicts an image of the lung at the level of the diaphragm. The liver can be visualized below the diaphragm. This is a normal finding.



Lung 15:
This video depicts the right lung with an a profile and no lung sliding. This could be indicative of pneumothorax or pneumonia. Other modalities should be utilized to further evaluate this patient.



Lung 16:
This video depicts a large simple pleural effusion. A chest tube should be considered to drain this effusion.



Lung 17:
This video depicts the lung point sign which is indicative of where a pneumothorax meets normal lung.



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