Step 8 (3 hours): Reading
Volpicelli, Giovanni, et al. “International evidence-based recommendations for point-of-care lung ultrasound.” Intensive care medicine 38.4 (2012): 577-591.
Lichtenstein, Daniel A., and Gilbert A. Meziere. “Relevance of lung ultrasound in the diagnosis of acute respiratory failure.” Chest Journal 134.1 (2008): 117-125.
Bataille, Benoit, et al. “Integrated use of bedside lung ultrasound and echocardiography in acute respiratory failure: a prospective observational study in ICU.” CHEST Journal 146.6 (2014): 1586-1593.
Before moving on to the next section, please complete the following:
1. (From Volpicelli Article): Level __ recommendation is given for in the detection of effusion, lung ultrasound is more accurate than supine radiography and is as accurate as CT.
2. (From Lichtenstein Article): A patient with lung sliding present with B profile is suggestive of ________.
3. (From Bataille Article): The study demonstrated a significant better performance of _____ ultrasound versus lung ultrasound in the diagnosis of acute respiratory failure.