Abdomen Trauma Step 6

Step 6 (2 hours):

Reading material on your own:

Abdomen1: Matsushima, Kazuhide, and Heidi L. Frankel. “Beyond focused assessment with sonography for trauma: ultrasound creep in the trauma resuscitation area and beyond.” Current opinion in critical care 17.6 (2011):606-612.
Abdomen2: Hoffmann, Beatrice, Dieter Nürnberg, and Mary C. Westergaard. “Focus on abnormal air: diagnostic ultrasonography for the acute abdomen.” European Journal of Emergency Medicine 19.5 (2012): 284-291.


In order to move onto next section please complete the following:

1. In addition to FAST, thoracic imaging using ultrasound has been incorporated into the initial trauma evaluation and is called ___________.
2. In a landmark publication, ultrasound consistently detected as little as ___cm3 of free air.


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