Department well represented at Anesthesiology 2024

The Department of Anesthesiology was well represented at this year’s annual American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) conference, with faculty, residents, and fellows presenting more than 15 posters and participating in many panels, workshops, committees, and discussions.

The conference, which was held this year in Philadelphia, PA from 10/18-10/22, is an opportunity for anesthesiologists all over the country to collaborate on and learn about topics covering all aspects of the field.

A special congratulations to Abigail Schirmer, M.D., who stepped into the role of ASA Resident Component president after becoming president-elect last year.

Read on for a list of just some of the events our department members participated in, and thank you to everybody who helped us represent our work on this national stage!

Learn about joining our faculty.

Learn about our residency program.

Learn about our fellowship programs.

Anesthesiology 2024 Participants


A Free, APSF/ASA simulation-based, online course on quantitative neuromuscular monitoring

  • Lawrence Caruso, M.D.; Nikolaus Gravenstein, M.D.; David Lizdas, B.S.; Alejo Ballester, B.S.; Christopher Samouce, Ph.D.; Michelle Adams, B.S.; Jeffrey Feldman, M.D.; Samsun Lampotang, Ph.D.; Debra Faulk, M.D.

A low-cost method for needle and pedicle localization in lumbar transforaminal epidural steroid injections using open-source instance segmentation

  • Benjamin Cipion, M.S.; Taylor Calibo, M.D., Justin DAniels, B.S.; Angelia Fadil, B.S.; Jin Choi, B.S.; Isaac Loy, M.A; Sasank Desaraju, M.S.; Sanjeev Kumar, M.D.

Anesthetic management for an acute type 3 aortic dissection/rupture complicated by tension hemothorax

  • Bobby Houston, M.D.; Michael Franklin, D.O.

Development of a Cardiac Massage Simulator

  • Samsun Lampotang, Ph.D.; Mahmoud Fakhouri, B.S; Christopher Samouce, Ph.D.; Anthony DeStephens, M.S.; David Lizdas, B.S.; Amy Gunnett, RN; Chong Zhao, Ph.D.; Nathan Smith, Student; Yahya Acar, M.D.; Sean Kiley, M.D.; Peggy White, M.D.; Amanda Frantz, M.D.; Kirsten Freeman, M.D.; Melissa Burger, M.D.

From Antibodies to Coagulopathy – Therapeutic Plasma Exchange During Bilateral Lung Transplant Leads to Significant Perioperative Bleeding

  • Joseph AbuRahma, M.D.

Retrospective chart review: assessing the efficacy of the MILD Procedure for Pain Reduction and Medication Use in Chronic Lower Back Pain Patients

  • Ryan Skelly, MBA, Snigdha Reddy Sama, B.S; Jordyn Pendarvis, B.S; Jared Ramirez, B.S; Matthew Meroney, M.D.; Amir Jafari, D.O.; Terrie Vasilopoulos, Ph.D.; Rene Przkora, M.D., Ph.D.

Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Implementation in Cystectomy for Bladder Cancer: A Retrospective Analysis

  • Mayank Kotadia, BSc; Benjamin Cipion, M.S.; Lindsey Roundtree, RN; Starr Dix, RN; Paul Crispen, M.D.; Basma Mohamed, MBChB

Implications of Hospital Discharges Before Noon on Dynamic Adjustment of the Nurse:Patient Ratio in the Post-Anesthesia Care Unit: A Longitudinal Study of Statewide Florida Data 2010-2022

  • Richard Epstein, M.D., FASA; Franklin Dexter, M.D., Ph.D., FASA; Brenda G. Fahy, M.D., FASA

Lung ultrasound as a tool for diagnosis of chest tube malfunction

  • Eduardo Walker, M.D.; Federico Jimenez-Ruiz, M.D.

Management of Type IVa Laryngotracheoesophageal Cleft in an Infant: A Case Report

  • Syed Sagheer, M.D.; Ahmed Rashid, B.A.; Karisa Walker, M.D. MEd; Thorsten Haas, M.D.

Marfan Syndrome-Associated Triple Valve Replacement Under Opioid-Free Anesthesia: A Case Report

  • Benjamin Cipion, M.S.; Linda Lange, D.O.; Michael Franklin, D.O.; Melissa Burger, M.D.

Myocardial Perforation of Right Ventricle during TAVR – A Case Report

  • Victor Silva, M.D.; Yong G. Peng, M.D., Ph.D., FASE, FASA

Occlusive Radial Arterial Pressure (ORAP) as a Potential Estimator of Mean Circulatory Filling Pressure (Pmcf)

  • Tyler Elliott, B.S.; Sebastian Gatica-Moris, M.D.

Optimizing Methadone Dosing for Postoperative Pain Management in Cardiothoracic Surgery: A Retrospective Cohort Study 

  • Mohanad Youssef, M.D.; Adam J. Milam, M.D.; Ph.D.; Megan K. Fah, M.D.; Bobby T. Houston, M.D.; Skye A. Buckner Petty, MPH; Kristen Sell-Dottin, M.D.; Ryan D’Souza, M.D.; Bradford B. Smith, M.D.

PACU puzzle: a new diagnosis of myasthenia gravis

  • Tyler Elliott, B.S; Abigail Schirmer, M.D.; Joseph C. Goldstein, M.D.; Dustin L. Hegland, M.D.

Perioperative management of a 9 month infant with a gunshot wound

  • Eduardo Walker, M.D.; Federico Jimenez-Ruiz, M.D.

Procedural Targeting Assistance and Visualization with Mixed-Reality Headsets

  • Andrew Dodds; Christopher Samouce, Ph.D.; David Lizdas, B.S.; Simon Mesber, B.S.; Perry Johnson, Ph.D.; Barys Ihnatsenka, M.D.; Isaac Luria, M.D.; Samsun Lampotang, Ph.D.

Under pressure: prone positioning impact on ETT-laryngeal pressure in Thiel-embalmed cadaveric model

  • Abigail Schirmer, M.D.; Nickolas Davies, MS3; Mason Johnson, M.D.; Matthew Nuzzi, B.S.; Neil Chheda, M.D.; Nikolaus Gravenstein, M.D.

Session and Panel Participants

A Case-Based Discussion of Adult Congenital Heart Disease: Tips and Tricks From the Experts

  • ACHD: how common is it and should you be worried?; Gregory M. Janelle, M.D., FASA.

Acute Kidney Injury: Predict, Avoid, Manage and Treat

  • Caring for the kidneys in the ICU; Melissa Anne Burger, M.D.

Anesthetic Considerations in Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal Aortic Disease

  • Location, location, location: anatomic considerations for open, hybrid, or endovascular approaches to descending aortic operations; Albert R. Robinson, M.D., FASE, FASA
    Preservation of micturition: renal protection strategies in thoracoabdominal aortic surgery; Todd Jones, M.D.

Contracts and Compensation

  • Abigail Schirmer, M.D. (moderator)

Difficult Airway Management Including Simulation and Ultrasound

  • Lauren C. Berkow, M.D., FASA; Felipe Urdaneta, M.D., FASA

Difficult Neuraxial Procedure (Thoracic and Lumbar Epidural)

  • Barys V. Ihnatsenka, M.D.; Linda T. Le-Wendling, M.D.; Yury Zasimovich, M.D.; Cameron R. Smith, M.D., DABA, Ph.D.; Isaac Luria, M.D.; Soleil S. Schutte, M.D.; Federico Jimenez-Ruiz, M.D.

Emerging Technology in Regional Anesthesia Performance and Education

  • Soleil S. Schutte, M.D.; Barys Ihnatsenka, M.D.; Isaac Luria, M.D.

FAER Panel: The Future of Pain Relief — Lessons From Pain Mechanisms and Predictive Models to Scaling Evidence-based Interventions

  • Hubris and humility in postoperative pain prediction; Patrick Tighe, M.D., M.S.

High-Yield Peripheral Nerve Blocks for Every Anesthesiologist

  • Chest wall blocks; Olga C. Nin, M.D.

Interfascial Plane Blocks: Advanced Interfascial Plane Bl

  • Barys V. Ihnatsenka, M.D.; Yury Zasimovich, M.D.; Linda T. Le-Wendling, M.D.; Richa Wardhan, M.D., FASA

Making Airway Management Safer: Recommendations From the Experts

  • Preventing unplanned extubation; Lauren C. Berkow, M.D., FASA.

Managing Burn Pain: Anesthesiologist and Surgeon Collaboration to Improve Quality and Comfort in a Burn Unit

  • The role of regional anesthesia in the burn unit; Richa Wardhan, M.D., FASA

Mythbusters: Pain Medicine Economics Episode

  • I schedule every patient coming in for a procedure to have an office visit the same day so i can bill an E/M code using a modifier 25 to generate more RVUs; Rene Przkora, M.D., Ph.D., FASA

Regenerative Medicine and the Anesthesiologist: Should We Pay Attention?

  • Regenerative medicine in the perioperative period: practical considerations for the anesthesiologist; Rene Przkora, M.D., Ph.D.; FASA

Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia and Analgesia Techniques for Breast and Chest Wall Surgery

  • Soleil S. Schutte, M.D.; Olga C. Nin, M.D.; Barys V. Ihnatsenka, M.D.; Yury Zasimovich, M.D.; Linda T. Le-Wendling, M.D.

Quantitative Neuromuscular Monitoring (QNM): What You Need to Know

  • Nikolaus Gravenstein, M.D.; Samsun Lampotang, Ph.D.

Resident Component House of Delegates and Educational Session

  • Abigail Schirmer, M.D. (moderator)

Subspecialty Networking Event for Residents

  • Abigail Schirmer, M.D. (moderator)

When OB and Cardiac Anesthesia Meet on L&D: What We Can Learn From Each Other!

  • Laurie Davies, M.D. (moderator)

You Would Like Us to Administer Anesthesia Where?!

  • Anesthesia considerations for IR/CT/PET; Isaac Luria, M.D.