August Resident of the Month

Dylan Schoo

Congratulations to Dylan Schoo, M.D., who has been named our August Resident of the Month! Read on to see some of this excellent physician’s nominations.

“Dr. Schoo always steps up to the plate; he is a great colleague and friend.”

“Dr. Schoo came in absolute clutch while on mole. He took every task assigned with a smile and always stayed longer than necessary just to ensure the rest of the team was cared for. While still early in his CA-2 year, he volunteered to come in extra early, assisted with running the team, and showed his natural abilities as a leader. He was a complete pleasure to work with and made everyone feel not only accepted, but vital to the team. Clearly a ‘Schoo-in’ for Resident of the Month and undoubtedly a future leader in our field.”

Congratulations, Dr. Schoo!

Learn more about our residency program.