Congratulations to Kellen Creech, D.O., who has been named our July Resident of the Month by his colleagues! Read on for some nomination quotes about this fantastic physician.
“Kellen is a great co-resident, a calming presence on any call team, and is very organized in his clinical management. He’s always willing to help and take the extra moment to make sure everyone is taken care of. He’ll be a fantastic leader as a CA-2 and beyond into his career!”
“An awesome resident on VA cardiac. Super thoughtful about his plans for patients. Attentive during cases and always trying to learn as much as possible. Was willing to set up the OR for a colleague on the night he was on call so they wouldn’t have to come in as early to do it. Easy to work with and has a great sense of humor. An all-around great resident!”
Congratulations, Dr. Creech!