A Q&A with Andrey Suprun, M.D.

Andrey Suprun, M.D., is currently a fellow in our Regional Anesthesiology & Acute Pain Medicine Fellowship (RAAPM) Program, and will be joining us in the fall as an assistant professor in the Division of Acute Pain Medicine.

We sat down with Dr. Suprun to discuss his journey in the University of Florida Department of Anesthesiology, from chief resident to faculty and beyond.

Andrey Suprun, MD

Q: What was it like as a resident in the department?

A: The training was interesting, extensive, and thorough. I was able to see the kinds of sick patients and interesting cases that you just don’t see at small- and medium-sized centers.

Q: What’s the RAAPM fellowship experience like?

A: It’s a very diverse group with people from a lot of different places. In my opinion, the RAAPM division is one of the most flexible and passionate when it comes to teaching. Even as a resident, I was able to learn more about nerve blocks than I would have at most other places. The relationship between residents and faculty is for the most part very casual, with few social roadblocks when it comes to asking questions. If you’re looking for a rigorous and internationally regarded regional program with a group who is extremely knowledgeable and very unpretentious, this is the place.

Q: What are your thoughts for incoming residents or fellows?

A: It’s a busy four years. This isn’t a program where you get out at 3 p.m. every day but, looking back, I don’t regret the rigor of the program. If you want to see crazy stuff every other day, and if you want to be trained for that crazy stuff, this is a place for you. You’re going to learn a lot about how to set up cases from A-Z, see crazy stuff, and the skills you hone will be very valuable no matter where you go.

Q: Tell us about the patent you were recently awarded for a new kind of tubing apparatus.

A: It was a shower thought on my end, and I took a bunch of tubing and glued it together as a proof of concept. The tubing is a way to efficiently and passively get rid of bubbles, as they can still sneak through with the current method. That’s not necessarily a huge deal for healthy adults, but for newborn babies or babies with congenital heart issues, a bubble that sneaks through can be catastrophic.

2022-23 Chiefs
Dr. Suprun with fellow 2022-23 chief residents Bryan Stevens, M.D. (middle) and Shahrukh Bengali, M.D. (right).

Q: Why did you decide to pursue a faculty position here at UF Health?

A: It was a set of pretty seamless transitions from resident to fellow to faculty. I’ve been very comfortable here in the department and nowhere in Florida can compare, especially for regional anesthesiology and acute pain medicine. My wife is also here, finishing a gastroenterology fellowship. Why would I go anywhere else?

Q: What are you looking ahead to when you start as faculty in the fall?

A: I want to focus on teaching and on finding ways to implement other ideas. As chief resident, I think I was a very effective liaison between faculty and residents. I think I can empathize with residents and capitalize on that strength to be an effective teacher.

Q: What are you looking forward to teaching?

A: My favorite topic is vent settings. I’m also looking forward to teaching nerve blocks.

Q: What are your final thoughts about the RAAPM Fellowship and the Department of Anesthesiology as a whole?

A: It’s great people getting a lot done in a good learning environment. It’s a great place to work.

Learn more about our Regional Anesthesiology & Acute Pain Medicine Fellowship.