Dr. Berkow Reelected to Faculty Senate

Lauren Berkow, M.D., FASA, professor of anesthesiology and chief of the division of neuroanesthesiology, has been reelected to the University of Florida Faculty Senate as a representative of the College of Medicine.

Dr. Lauren Berkow

Dr. Berkow, who has represented the College of Medicine since 2020, will begin her new term in the fall and serve for an additional three years.

Dr. Berkow was elected by her colleagues from a broad field of candidates. As a senator, she will be a voice for UF COM at a university-wide level.

In addition to Dr. Berkow, four other faculty members were elected this year to represent the college of Medicine: Matthew Decker, M.D., MBA, MPH; Carolyn Holland, M.D., M.Ed., FACEP, FAAP; Peter Sayeski, Ph.D.; and R. James Toussaint, M.D., FAAOS.

The Faculty Senate is the legislative body of the University of Florida providing a forum for the mutual exchange of ideas between senior officers and faculty. In this capacity, the Senate may legislate with respect to matters that concern more than one college, school, or other major academic unit, or that are otherwise of general university interest. Elected members are apportioned among the academic units in proportion to the number of faculty members in each unit.

Thank you to Dr. Berkow for representing our department as well as the College of Medicine.

Learn more about the Faculty Senate on their website.