Please help us congratulate our December 2022 Resident of the Month: Gabriella Williams, M.D., CA-1!
Dr. Williams was nominated by her fellow residents and faculty for her hard work and motivation and for going above and beyond in her duties. Below are some of the quotes from her nominations.
“Dr. Williams is well on her way to becoming a competent leader/physician. She shattered expectations while on her mole rotation and handled complex cases with poise and clinical excellence. She consistently looked out for her team members and put her own needs aside to ensure patient needs were met. She is selfless and a tremendous example for her peers. After the privilege of being her teammate on mole, I am excited for the next generation of anesthesiologists to take the reins. Great job!”
“Wonderful resident – always goes above and beyond for her coresidents and patients. She has a wonderful work ethic and is always pleasant to work with! I am excited to see how she will grow throughout her residency – she is a superstar!”
Congratulations, Dr. Williams!