We are so proud of all of our 2022 graduates! We caught up with Krupesh Dave, M.D., to hear about his time with us and what is next for him.

Q: Where are you headed to next?
A: I’m staying at the University of Florida to complete a regional anesthesiology & acute pain medicine fellowship!
Q: What is one highlight of your time in UF’s anesthesiology residency program?
A: Many to choose from, but I’d have to say my co-residents were the highlight of the residency program. They were/are an incredible group of people who will no doubt move the specialty forward during their careers.
Q: What are you most grateful to have learned during your residency?
A: The importance of teamwork. Anesthesiology requires many individuals to work in sync to take good care of a patient and the team at UF (attendings, CRNAs/CAAs, and residents) along with all the other staff (anesthesia techs, circulators, etc.) have illustrated an excellent example on how to work together to provide exceptional care.
Q: How did the UF anesthesiology residency prepare you for your next steps?
A: Residency at UF has prepared me very well for my next steps, both in fellowship and my career. The high acuity of cases here means there is very little that I feel unprepared for moving forward. Even during the rare times that I might encounter something new, I know there is a wealth of knowledge and resources available to me at UF to rely on so I can provide excellent care to patients.
Q: What will you miss the most about UF’s anesthesiology residency?
A: I’m going to miss the people the most. I will especially miss spending time with my co-residents outside the hospital – grabbing beers at a local brewery, trying a new restaurant, or simply going to a cookout, to name a few. I’ll always cherish the memories made during residency and look forward to creating new ones during fellowship and beyond with another stellar group of colleagues!