Congratulations to fourth-year resident Milu Thakkar, MD, who has been selected to participate in the 2020 American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Resident Component House of Delegates as a Florida Resident Delegate.
As a member of the governing council, the ASA Resident Component House of Delegates will provide Dr. Thakkar with exposure to the leadership sector of the ASA. The council facilitates the input of residents in deciding the direction of the ASA.
“As a Resident Delegate, I hope to work in cooperation with the other members to provide a sound specialty voice for the ASA to be heard among our peers, the AMA, and the rest of the country,” Dr. Thakkar said. “I am thankful for the opportunity and I will do my best to make sure our voice is heard in shaping the future of anesthesiology.”
The ASA Resident Component has four primary goals: 1) To encourage resident participation in ASA; to develop experience in organized medicine among young physician leaders; 3) to improve resident awareness of the ASA’s role in the evolution of the specialty of anesthesiology; and 4) to provide essential resources to residents.
Currently, fourth-year resident Jayme Looper, MD, is serving as Delegate to the American Medical Association (AMA) Resident and Fellow section, which is part of the ASA Resident Component Governing Council.