The Department of Anesthesiology awarded four research grants to support anesthesiology faculty research.
Fifteen applications were submitted and four proposals were selected and approved by leadership. The winners are Prodip Bose, PhD, Penny Reynolds, PhD, Richa Wardhan, MD, Anthony Cometa, MD, Brandon Lopez, MD, and Adam Wendling, MD.
Dr. Bose’s proposal is titled “Therapeutic impact of a new iron-chelating agent on long-term motor disabilities in an animal model of Parkinson’s disease (PD)” and has been awarded $4,000.
Dr. Reynolds‘ proposal is titled “Development of ADAMTS13 assays as a novel prognostic biomarker for thrombotic microangiopathies” and has been awarded $2,000. Dr. Reynolds will use this funding for tissue and blood collections samples, immunochemistry reagents and supplies, and shipping costs.
Dr. Wardhan’s proposal is titled “Comparison of fit testing during chest compressions using N95 respirator and modified adhesive N95 respirator. A simulation study.” and has been awarded $1,000. Dr. Wardhan will use this funding for N95 respirators.
Drs. Cometa, Lopez, and Wendling won with their proposal titled “Assessing Efficacy of Intramuscular Promethazine for the Treatment of Intrathecal Morphine Induced Pruritis”. This project has been awarded $3,000 which will be used for investigational pharmacy services.
The funding for these projects began July 20, 2020, and is intended to be used for supplies and other research related expenses needed to conduct these projects. The department chose to fund these pilot programs in the hope that publications will come from this research and that they may develop into larger research projects.