In this unwelcome season of troubled times, we regret to share the sad news that we have lost a member of our College of Medicine family. Today, Maria Irwin, M.D., unexpectedly passed away. She was 48.
Maria joined UF Health in 2006 as an anesthesiology resident after completing her medical school education in St. Petersburg, Russia. Most recently, Dr. Irwin was an outstanding anesthesiologist in our Congenital Heart Center, where she cared for children with diseases of the heart and lungs. In this venue, she was remarkably skilled and thoughtful in anesthetizing children and in providing them with comfort and care during their surgery. Maria was also a wonderful baker, a wife, and, perhaps most importantly, a mother of two of her own children. We have so little to offer to assuage the grief of her family, colleagues and friends other than our heartfelt good wishes and remembrance of the young patients whose lives will endure for decades to come due to her kind care.
We offer our sincere condolences to Dr. Irwin’s family and loved ones during this very difficult time.
Yours in sorrow,
Timothy E. Morey, M.D.
Mark Bleiweis, M.D.