Residents score well on national American Board of Anesthesiology In-Training Examination

Congratulations to our department residents, who performed strongly overall on the American Board of Anesthesiology’s February 2020 administration of the In-Training Examination.

Overall, our senior residents scored at or very close to the 90th percentile nationally. In addition, three of our senior residents achieved the highest possible scaled score of 50, while one achieved a scaled score of 49. Those residents were: Adrian Ching, MD, Katie Dietrich, MD, Matthew Judd, MD, and Tyler Kabes, MD.

In addition, all but one of our current clinical base year residents (interns) achieved a scaled score above the national average.

The In-Training Examination contains 200 multiple choice questions administered each year to all physicians enrolled in anesthesiology residency training programs. Residency programs administer the 4-hour, computer-based exam at their sites.

The exam results in a keyword analysis broken down for all four residency classes. It shows where our classes scored compared to the national percent correct for that item and residency class and can be used to target teaching. The keywords are broken down into Basic Sciences, Clinical Sciences, Organ-Based Basic and Clinical Sciences, Special Problems or Issues in Anesthesiology, and Clinical Subspecialties. The American Board of Anesthesiology has been the certifying body for anesthesiologists since 1938.

headshots of our 4 residents who scored well on the ABA exam