Department Holds Our 2019 Celebration of Research

The Department of Anesthesiology Celebration of Research provided an opportunity for those affiliated with anesthesiology to share exciting research that they have conducted over the last year, their ideas for future research projects, and challenging cases that they have experienced.

Dr. Franks giving the keynote speech

The Key Note Speaker, Steven M. Frank MD, Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Medical Director: Bloodless Medicine and Surgery Program, and director of the Interdisciplinary Blood Management Program and of Perioperative Blood Management Services at Johns Hopkins, spoke about “Evidence-based Transfusion Practice and Blood Management Programs”. His talk described research conducted at Johns Hopkins University over the years to implement patient blood management and “bloodless” medicine.

Dr. Frank’s talk incorporated a great deal of informatics techniques and computer-based messaging to educate and inspire medical care teams to improve blood utilization and methods to avoid blood transfusion for those patients who wish not to receive blood or blood products. In so doing, Johns Hopkins have managed to save approximately $3 million per year in just blood acquisition costs. The talk is part of the basis for UF’s expanding PET Gators patient blood management program driven by the Department of Anesthesiology.

Along with the keynote address, abstract submissions this year presented some provocative insights from a diverse group of researchers. Oral presentations were given by researchers from three of the top-scoring abstracts.

View the keynote speech here. 

View all of the photos from the event on our Facebook page.

Oral Presentation Winners

First Place

Dr. Ferenc Rabai

“Electrophysiological Monitoring During Intracranial Aneurysm Surgery: improving Test Validity by Accounting for the Treatment Paradox Affecting Signal Changes that Reverse with lntervention”

Second Place

Dr. Tony Cometa

“Needle tip recoil following needle advance: A possible mechanism for false loss of resistance?”

Drs. Cometa and Spiess

Third Place

Dr. Ningtao Li

“lntergenerational effects of exposure to GABAergic anesthetics in young adult rats”

Drs. Li and Spiess

Poster Winners

Basic Science

Lei Liu, Anesthesiology

“Reactive Gliosis Contributes to Nrf2-dependent Neuroprotection by Pretreatment with Dimethyl Fumarate or Korean Red Ginseng Against Hypoxic-Ischemia: Focus on Hippocampal Injury”

Lei Liu

Quality Improvement

Jonathan Wakim, College of Medicine

“Baseline Proportions of False Negatives in Simulated 12-CoreTemplated Transrectal Ultrasound Prostate Biopsy”

Jonathan Wakim


Claudia Sotillo, Anesthesiology

“Discovery of an Antero-Laminar Fibrous Body that May Possibly Anchor Dura to the Lamina”

Claudia Sotillo

Experimental/Observational Clinical Trial

Shahrukh Bengali, College of Medicine

“Platelet Functionality is DecreasedAfter Infusion Through a Rapid Infusion System”

Shahrukh Bengali

Case Study

Jason Howard, Anesthesiology

“To Air is Human: A Case Report of Minimally InvasiveSurgery with Maximum Complications”

Jason Howard

Thank you to everyone who attended the Celebration of Research. We hope that you got as much out of it as we put into it. We look forward to next year’s event and to bringing you all the latest in anesthesiology-related research. In closing, we would like to thank the people who made this day possible: our Chairman, Tim Morey, our Associate Director of Research, Bruce Spiess, and our inspiration for this annual event, Professor Emeritus of Anesthesiology, Jerome Modell.