Corey Astrom, our Coordinator of Communications, Publication, & Web Services, passed the Board of Editors in the Life Sciences (BELS) certification examination.
The Board of Editors in the Life Sciences (BELS) was founded in 1991 to evaluate the proficiency of manuscript editors in the life sciences and awards credentials similar to those obtainable in other professions. Beyond testing for correct spelling, grammar, and syntax, the certification examination also tests the ability to solve grammatical and syntactic problems in technically dense passages. It tests knowledge of metric units of measure, mathematical operations, author-editor interactions, publishing conventions, construction and interpretation of tables and graphs, and logical order in paragraphs.
Some of you have made use of Corey’s editorial services. Her expertise is evident to many of us and BELS’s validation of her expertise serves as an independent endorsement of Corey’s highly technical skills. Please join me in congratulating Corey on her success and continued achievements.
– Tim Morey, MD
Chair, Department of Anesthesiology
Congratulations to Corey on becoming a board-certified editor!