$2 Million Grant Awarded to UF Researchers

Partick Tighe, MD, MSA new five-year University of Florida study is being supported by a $2 million grant from the National Institute on Aging.

Our own Patrick Tighe, MD, MS, serves as one of the lead investigators along with Catherine Price, PhD, an associate professor of clinical and health psychology. The study will test out a new screening procedure to help clinicians efficiently and accurately identify older adults who may be at risk for memory and thinking problems after major elective surgeries.

Anesthesiologists, surgeons and other perioperative health care professionals typically lack the subspecialty training necessary to conduct formal neuropsychological assessments. These evaluations also often require considerable time and environmental considerations that are beyond the purview of a typical surgical evaluation system.


This study will help health care professionals identify and categorize patients’ cognitive difficulties that may influence decisions about the timing of surgery, surgical and anesthetic techniques, and postoperative recovery plans.

– Dr. Patrick Tighe

Click here to read a more in-depth article about the study.