We are pleased to announce that Dr. Jerry Cohen was elected to receive the American Society of Anesthesiology’s Distinguished Service Award for 2018.
The Distinguished Service Award is the highest honor ASA bestows. It is presented annually for outstanding clinical, educational or scientific achievement, contribution to the specialty and/or exemplary service to the Society.
Dr. Cohen came to the Department of Anesthesiology in 1977, after completing his residency and fellowship at Emory University. He was part of the original cardiac anesthesia division and served as its co-chief. He then served on the liver transplant team and was its chief for over a decade. His research interests included control of coagulation for cardiopulmonary bypass, the effects of acid-base balance on neuromuscular blockade and quality management.
Dr. Cohen will receive the award at next year’s ASA meeting in October of 2018 in San Francisco. Congratulations, Dr. Cohen!