Please join us in welcoming Penny S. Reynolds, PhD, to the Department of Anesthesiology. Dr. Reynolds joins us as an Assistant Professor and comes to us from Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine in Richmond, where she worked as an Assistant Professor in Anesthesiology and as a project leader on a Department of Defense (DoD)-funded project. Dr. Reynolds earned her Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Biology as well as her Master of Science in Zoology at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada. She also received her Master of Science in Biometry and her Doctor of Philosophy in Zoology and Statistics at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. As a DoD project leader, she investigated the effects of high-dose vitamin C and its potential to reduce the acute coagulopathy of trauma in a swine model of traumatic injury and hemorrhagic shock. She holds extensive quantitative experience in statistical experimental design, modeling, and analyses. Dr. Reynolds has published many papers, conference presentations, and abstracts. She has also acted as a consultant to numerous clinical faculty members in Emergency Medicine, Anesthesiology, and Trauma Surgery. We are happy to have such an accomplished and knowledgeable professional joining us and we ask you to help us welcome her to the department and to the Gator Nation!