The 6th Annual Department of Anesthesiology Celebration of Research Day was a great success. We would like to thank everyone who actively participated in and supported this event. We were pleased to have our distinguished keynote speaker and our newly appointed Professor and Associate Chair for Research, Bruce Spiess, MD, FAHA, join us. Dr. Spiess gave an amazing speech about “Human Creativity: The Innate Value of Research,” following an afternoon of fascinating poster and oral presentations in the George T. Harrell, MD, Medical Education Building.
The 2016 oral presentation winner was Ling-Sha Ju, who won $1,000 for her poster presentation on “Anesthesia with sevoflurane in neonatal rats: Developmental neuroendocrine abnormalities are alleviated by corticosteroid receptor and Cl- importer antagonists.”
Faculty members Dr. Dennis, Dr. Janelle, and Dr. Martin judged and awarded three winners for the best poster presentations:
First Place winner, Dr. Jennifer Mallek, won $500 for her poster presentation based on the impact of thoracic paravertebral continuous catheters and epidurals on surgical and anesthetic outcomes for patients undergoing liver resections. Dr. Patrick Tighe received the award in her honor.
Second Place winner, Dr. Lei Liu, won $250 for his poster presentation concerning the way in which Nrf2 deficiency exacerbates sensorimotor deficits and impairs long-term functional recovery after ischemic stroke.
Third Place winner, Dr. Ferenc Rabai, won $100 for his poster presentation based on electrophysiologic monitoring with provocation testing in the treatment of spinal arteriovenous fistula.
The Annual Department of Anesthesiology Celebration of Research provides an opportunity for those affiliated with Anesthesiology to share exciting and innovative research that they have conducted over the last year, their ideas for future research projects, and their collaborations. It is also an informative, collegial day that encourages interactions and collaborations with other scientists and clinicians.
We would like to extend a special thank you to our chair, Tim Morey, MD, for his generous support. We would also like to thank Dr. Spiess, our extended members of the Office of Research, our faculty judges, and everyone else who assisted and made this such a successful event.