Did you know that “70% of operating rooms in sub-Saharan Africa don’t have a pulse oximeter, and essential piece of equipment for practicing safe anesthesia and surgical care? 41% of hospitals in Latin America, and 45% in South Asia face the same crisis.”
The University of Florida Department of Anesthesiology is extremely proud of adopting and equipping the entire country of Honduras with 135 pulse oximeters. Its faculty members actively contributed through the WFSA Standing Committee on Safety & Quality of Practice to the early efforts of the WFSA and later WHO/WFSA Global Oximetry (GO) projects that culminated in LifeBox. Our Department’s simulation center, the Center for Safety, Simulation & Advanced Learning Technologies (CSSALT), also implemented a screen-based simulator of a pulse oximeter that is part of a CD of educational materials distributed with each donated pulse oximeter.
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